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Houzz: That Blessed Siren

After introducing a friend to, I received a text message from her that put into words what I, too, felt about the site.

"I both love and hate you for introducing me to Houzz."


Since being introduced to it myself, I believe I have seen nearly every single one of the nearly 660,000 photos of room ideas on the site.  It's an addiction.  I check it every night before bed, and several times a day.

Houzz is a site (and mobile app) that is a basic ideabook.  Want to update your kitchen, but don't quite know what you want?  Click "kitchens" in the Houzz photos and voila! 114,000 inspirational kitchen photos, from ultra modern to traditional to eclectic to Mediterranean. Thousands of cabinet/counter combinations, with thousands of seating arrangements, with thousands of storage ideas, with thousands of furniture and color combos.  So you create an "ideabook" called Kitchen Remodel, and you're off to the races!  Like those cabinets?  Save to ideabook.  Like that wall color?  Save to ideabook.  Cute bar stools! Save to ideabook.  You get the idea.  Book.  See?  I can't not think in terms of Houzz! I'm applying to be on that show, Intervention.

And you can create as many ideabooks as you want.  I have 16 ideabooks, 12 of which are specifically for the house we are currently building, with titles like OfficeKitchen, and Master Bedroom.  The other four are Dream Homes in various parts of the country.

Type "Organization" into the search bar.  Just try it.  You'll find so many great ideas for how to organize your pantry, garage, bathrooms, cupboards, and closets that you'll take the next available day and go absolutely organization crazy, redoing your entire pantry and reorganizing all of your husband's power tools in the garage.

The only problem with Houzz is that the most gorgeous photos on the site (and they are stunning) are of the houses that people with vast amounts of disposable income can afford.  I have seen more Wolf/Sub-Zero refrigerators in these breath-taking kitchens than any other brand.  Do you know how much a Wolf/Sub-Zero refrigerator costs?  $11,000 AND UP!  For a REFRIGERATOR!  The very stylish and beautiful furniture pieces are insanely expensive.  A coffee table for six grand?!  Yeah, right.  Even some of the pet supplies will make you laugh.  I found an awesome cat tower that doubled as a bookcase.  Looked like a modern bookcase, but if you looked at the side, you could see that it had scratcher boards and steps and lounger areas for your cat to climb up to the top (a favorite spot of any feline).  Very tre chic!  NOT your everyday, carpet covered, ugly-as-sin cat tower.  It is 1,720 Euros.  At today's rate, $2,150.  Not something that is wildly practical for someone with a lower budget.  Or any budget.

Houzz gives me inspiration and hope that my home can be as beautiful as these photos, while at the same time, dashing my dreams with their impractical prices.  You siren, Houzz!  Why must you sing your sweet song?

I may have Louis Vuitton tastes, but I'm on an IKEA budget.
Cheers -

Home Updates #2 and #3

BEHOLD! An outline!

As of August 10, we had the stem wall you see in the first picture.  When Jonathan and I first went out there to see it, it was still a little damp.  So we wrote our initials in the stem wall for the front door.  It's ours!  Our stamp will be on it permanently.

Soon after, the Plumbing Guys went in and added the lovely blue and red plastic-covered piping you see in the second photo.  It was fun trying to place what was in each spot, "Powder Room Toilet" and "Water to Refrigerator" and "Outside Spigot." The plumbing was done by August 17.

As of right now (August 30), we are behind by a week to 10 days.  Last Thursday, the 23rd, the Heat and Air Guys were supposed to do their work, but a forecast of rain (and then the actual rain) prevented them from getting the job done.  No biggie - they just have to wait until the lot dries before continuing on.  Can't be messing with wires and electricity when you've got giant pools and ditches filled with water in your way.  Hopefully, the heat predicted for this Labor Day weekend, while not so much fun to endure, will dry up the pools so that the Heat and Air Guys can get back out there next week around the 5th of September.

After the heat and air goes in, they pour slab. Hopefully, by September 14th we'll have a concrete base to start framing the house in.

I'll drink to that!
Cheers -


Home Update #1

We have begun!

They have leveled and cleared the area where the foundation will go.  The lot is actually bigger, but they only need to worry about the spot where the house is for now.  The first floor of the house is nearly 2,200 sq. ft.  

The arrow points to Jonathan at the edge of where they've cleared, where our lot drops into the greenbelt.

I'm just happy to have trees.  Glorious, glorious trees!  

I'll drink to that! Cheers!