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Lots to Start With

We didn't think we'd ever get here.  We thought we were out when the developer started lowering lot prices and pushing for contracts.  We didn't have $20,000 lying around to start.  We thought we'd be in our little apartment for a lot longer than we anticipated.  We might possibly die there - either from the secondhand smoke coming through our vents from our neighbors, or from the fire started by fireworks being shot into the trees around our building.

We had already sold our home in St. James Park amongst controversy, anxiety, and severe loss of useable capital.  You can read my husband's blog to learn more about that fun little episode.

We were worn thin.  Still are.  Two rapidly growing Golden Retrievers with no yard make for more CraigsList Pet "Rehoming" ads than any other excuse.  We, of course, were not giving up our puppies - no matter how inconvenient living in an apartment with them was.  Though it is, indeed, inconvenient.

But someone, somewhere, took pity on us, and let the light shine in.  And that someone was our builder, Curtis McCarty.

Seeing our angst at losing what we thought was the perfect piece of property, with its perfect treeline, its perfect size, the perfect set of plans, he brokered a deal with us.

The lot is ours as of this week, and we start building in a matter of days.  The wash of relief, happiness, excitement, and hope is almost more than we can contain.  I'll drink to that!

Cheers -

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