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Fall Break

I took a little break over November for the holidays.  And so did our house.

As of Nov. 1, 2012
The roof had been finished quickly and the windows were installed just as fast by the end of October.  Once the roof had gone in, Jonathan and his team of friends went to work on wiring the house.  Just the low voltage stuff: speaker wires, HDMI, cable, etc.  It was only with the help of a certified electrician pal and two guys who had worked for a wiring company, that I let him do the wiring.  Nothing says "Buyer Beware" like "My husband did the wiring..."

At the beginning of November, our house progress had stalled as we waited for inspections.  This time of year is busy for inspectors as new construction seems to appear out of nowhere.  Our new block saw five new houses finished by December 1, and the lot next to ours has been flattened and construction has begun.  Odd, I know, but according to a realtor friend, the busiest time of year for homebuyers/potential homebuyers is around the holidays and immediately after school gets out in May/June.  I have no idea why.
The lighter trim is in the lower left.
The darker trim is on the right.

So as we waited for five inspections during the month of November, Jonathan and I were able to relax with family for the holiday.

Once the inspections were done and passed, construction wound back up again.  And fast.  Have I mentioned how fast these people are?  In the last 10 days, the brick, stone, and siding has started, and is nearly finished!  I had to choose some colors for siding and guttering, and went through a few trials for the trim.  Our builder suggested picking a base color then just darkening it for the trim.  I said, "Sure! Let's do that!"  I did not realize that meant taking the base color (Almond) and darkening it so much that our trim would look like faux Tudor-style beams.  So I nixed the really dark trim and eased it down to be just a highlight.  You can see both in the picture.

The gas lines are in, the electrical is in, the fireplace is in - soon the insulation will go in and then drywall will begin.  We're moving along very quickly, and the beautiful weather is helping that along.  But with the holidays coming up, we'll see how fast we go through December.

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